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2021 Photos



Memories that last a Lifetime!

But incase you forgot :)

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Y’all... so much to say about my first @spinsanityflowdown 🥰 It was the experience I needed to recharge my soul and inspire my hoop flow after a long year. This was my first time on stage since March of 2020 and I loved every second of it. My routine didn’t go as planned- lots of fups- but I didn’t care and still don’t. I had my friends watching and encouraging me to keep going. 💖

My biggest takeaway from this weekend: EVERY HOOPER holds their own power. It is so beautiful to see how unique every one of us is... especially on stage. I loved meeting all the amazing Hoopers I’ve been admiring on IG for years and lemme tell you, they’re even more magical in person. I made connections with every single person at this event and that is extremely rare and special. 💖

Thank you @medium_shark and @blazing_shark for throwing an unforgettable hoop retreat. And thank you @missmojangles for filming my routine! Seeing you was the highlight for me. 🥰 I left feeling more confident and inspired to keep performing! Oh and I’ll be back next year! 💖

You Can only Vote Once! And Only if You have Purchased a Ticket!


"Just got home from @spinsanityflowdown and I’m feeling so inspired. It was wonderful to teach and perform again, connect with the flow fam, judge the most epic performance showcase, and finally feel inspired to get back in my hoops. I can’t wait to share some fun videos and performances over the next week or so!"

Hannah Vlogs Saturday and Sunday of Spin2021


Wow what a magical time I had this weekend at @spinhulahoopconvention 🥲 everyone I meet this weekend has touched my heart in a way I can’t even put into words. I have made some of the best friends any guy could ask for. Y’all are a bunch of badddd bitches for real 👏👏👏

Going into this event I was not even a little prepared for all the love I would feel all weekend. I am leaving @spinsanityflowdown a different person, this even has given me the confidence I have been looking for to be my true authentic self and I will forever be thankful to the people who gave that to me.

I am already counting down the days until we are all together again 💕

Also a huge shout out to @medium_shark for having me out again this year!! You are a QUEEN!!! And also congratulations on your engagement!! The magic never stops at this event!💕

Also keep them eyes peeled this week fro my performance video, that shit was SPIOCYYYYYY💥💥


this clip holds so much meaning to me⁣
i entered @spinsanityflowdown questioning many things about myself during this transition period. I felt a lot of weight on my shoulders and doubting my own value ⁣
but in this moment, i didn’t question anything- i just knew ⁣
i tapped in. i remembered. i connected. ⁣
to who I am + what value I hold⁣
thank you @missmojangles for hosting this amazing workshop + @maria.moves for absolutely working the magic behind the camera ⁣
+ one special BIG thank u to @mediumshark + @blazing_shark for generating this special event⁣
last week brought me so much confidence, community, + support. I met and reconnected w so many lovely people and everything felt so right ⁣
what I took away from this experience is that the moment I stop questioning myself, I am able to listen to the answer⁣


This is a little snippet of me practicing my showcase performance for @spinsanityflowdown that I really love ❤️
As you can see, I get extremely emotional during this session. I just remember crying so much because I was so overwhelmed with everything that was going on in my life at the time.
Before I went to Michigan, I was feeling so disconnected with myself, with my environment, with my purpose. But being around this new found family made me feel so whole again. The tears you see in this clip was a realization that the spark inside of me wasn’t gone. A sigh of relief that I didn’t give up on the one thing that makes me feel so seen.
Even the things that light us up can fade, but I truly feel that our passions will forever remain as embers inside our soul. Ready to come back to life with a simple blow of the wind, waiting as you trek the Earth finding more to make you whole.


Wow. What can I even say about the past week at @spinsanityflowdown ?

At the beginning of the event, I made a confession that I felt like I wasn’t supposed to be there. I had lost a lot of drive when it came to hooping, creating, and teaching... And before I came to the event, I even had conflicting thoughts of ending my career as a hooper altogether.

Performing for and physically immersing myself in the community for the first time was an absolutely surreal experience. To see my biggest inspirations, my peers, my students, and now my friends, dance, laugh, cry, and be raw all week long awakened my passion for this community.

I’ve come back home a completely different person. Confident in my craft, inspired by what I’ve learned, and excited to work on projects I never dared to work on before.

Thank you all for making this experience an unforgettable one. There will always be a space in my heart for each and every one of you 💚


Nowhere near all the pictures & videos. But holy smokes, this weekend EXCEEDED expectations by a long shot. I had expected to just come in volunteer, vend & maybe mosy around. I had no idea the connections & friendships I’d forge & the lasting memories or the a renewed motivation, passion & spark for hooping. Being able to not only interact with my BIGGEST hoop idols but to make friends with them has been an absolutely transformative & incredible. Thank you all for encouraging me to perform, I probably wouldn’t have because sharing a stage with y’all was intimidating. I had become over the past year somewhat of a loner who didn’t really hoop anymore & I left with a restored sense of community, a restored faith in humanity. The genuine love & support I felt this week is something I hadn’t experienced in a very long time. I’m so sad the majority are in different states but that’s just an excuse to travel now & im sosososo grateful. @spinsanityflowdown thank you 🙏🏼 @medium_shark & @blazing_shark


Spinsanity 2021 Performance
I going into this event was dead set on not performing because sharing a stage with LITERALLY THE MAJORITY of my hoop idols. But I was blessed enough to have had those same idols be the ones to encourage me to do it & im so very grateful they did. As my own worst critic, I wasn’t happy with my performance but watching it back & considering I had only come up with most of that earlier that day I AM DAMN PROUD OF THIS! Wish I hadn’t dropped my hoop at simple moves but I’m learning that, that is okay & isn’t the end of the world. This whole weekend was so transformative for my flow & me personally. Thank you to everyone because y’all are absolutely amazing & I’m lucky to call y’all my friends now.


SpinSanity 2021 photo dump💛🌈✨
I arrived to this place not knowing too many people in real life & I left with an entire family of friends💗 I don’t think words can amount to share how special this experience was for me. I was feeling a sort of disconnection to my hoops & my hoop journey and this changed all of that 💓 I’m so grateful for this experience & for this life & for the connection we all shared.
there was SO MUCH TALENT & my inspiration is through the roof after being up close and personal to all these rockstars.
shout out to @spinsanityflowdown @medium_shark @blazing_shark for putting this together and everyone else that was a part of making sure we all enjoyed ourselves and had everything we needed 🙏🏽 I will totally be going back next year!!💗
#hoopflow #hulahoop #hoopdance #spinsanity #flowart #hoopcommunity


WOW. I’m not even sure exactly how to put into words how frickin AMAZING this weekend was. Damion and I very last minute we’re able to score some tickets for @spinsanityflowdown and it was quite possibly the best decision we have ever made.
We met and connected with the most beautiful of souls, the memories I have now more precious than gold 💚
I met people I have looked to for inspiration for months! Actually spoke and shared such beautiful moments with these absolutely amazing artists..
I never expected to feel so much love and such a strong connection to every person who was able to make it out! Thank you @medium_shark Tylor for putting together such an awesome event and striking a fire in my soul! I have never in my life been so excited for the future💚

  • craftydiver
  • I can't wait to see you both again! Had a great time bonding with you. ❤️


OMG, one of my favorite classes fr #Spinsanity was taught by @missmojangles on the first day! Learning how to play around with the hoop and the camera while taking action videos! What a great ice breaker to meet new friends, and also super playful and silly! And what a gorgeous day!


Gotta use THIS performance highlight as my @spinsanityflowdown #spinsanityisgiveaway. Through this visual and through this post description I'm going to try and answer the question, "What is Spinsanity?"

Spinsanity is many things, On the surface it's just any other hoop retreat/festival. And like any other such event (at least in my experience), there's flowmies and an EXTREME sense of camradery. But there's something magical about this flow event that makes it a unique journey.

The best way I can describe it is to analyze the name: A mixture of "spin" PLUS "insanity". You use this type of name to describe when MIND BLOWING INSANITY happens, just like how "Linsanity" is used to describe the spectacle of when Jeremy Lin CAME OUTTA NOWHERE to ball for the New York Knicks!

This was the story this performance tried to tell: One of a ninja who went insane after becoming inspired by the ways of hoopdance. I've had this general performance idea for about a year, and it was an INSANE journey from start to finish getting the choreography figured out. I didn't even get my choreography entirely finished until the afternoon that I rehearsed it to @skeeter_808.


✨⭕ ѕριηѕαηιту 2021⭕✨
Little late but... I miss you allll! This was the best week ever and I can't wait for next year!!!😏💕 Also swipe >> to see my 2nd time spinning fire and thanks @skeeter_808 for videoing it and hyping me up! 😆🔥


The most annoying juggling trick ever.


First of many videos from this weekend
@spinsanityflowdown I needed this. This weekend has been life changing. I'll talk more about it later when I get home but enjoy this clip from Day 1 in @missmojangles class


We were able to get any pictures together but I was able to catch on film my favorite moment with @photographlee at @spinsanityflowdown Thank you for pushing me to put that on stage and believing in me when I didn't this last year. Love you behbeh.


More @spinsanityflowdown memories! Thank you @medium_shark Tylor for giving me the opportunity to experience this life changing event! I will be back next year guaranteed!
Also thanks @melissamcsassypants for my security blanket Hoodie you got me. I wore it the whole time and taking all that great energy with it now.


#missmojangles #workshop #HoopersOfInstagram
Can we talk about how phenomenal of a time @spinsanityflowdown was?
or are you sick of hearing about it?
... well... too damn bad cuz imma talk about it 😜
#spinsanity2021 was everything for me. Some of you may know how much bologna I've went through in the online hoop community over the years. So much so that I've almost quit completely several times just to not deal with the drama but I've persevered and grown SO much out of it all.

Fast forward to February 2020- i was ALL booked up for SO MANY vending and performing events through out the whole summer for 2020. Obvi that didn't happen. I was bummed to the max, I planned 2020 to be my busy year and this year (2021) to be my year off but it didn't work out that way.

fast forward even further to March 2021. I asked my sponsees if they were going to attend #spinsanity and most of them were too weary to say yes or no but that they all wanted to... then a month later my amazing og sponsee /bestie @hoopwithcoop won a full ride ticket to Spinsanity and I say #letsgooooooo and purchased my ticket.

The following months were pounded out with anxiety and nerves as I finished up coaching my oldest daughters volleyball team, finished my open ordered and prepped for my performance at the event. The week before spinsanity, Chelsea and I finally hammered out the remaining details for the trip to Michigan and back.

We ended on me picking her up in Indiana Airport and road tripping the rest of the way together. I am eternally grateful everything worked out the way it did cuz my heart and soul NEEDED this. I love you Chels.

This past weekend took all the online bologna I've dealt with and threw it in the burn pile. I didn't experience one issue with any of these amazing hoopers all weekend!

EVERY single person was SO chill and loving. I have fallen so deeply back in love, not only with my hoop(s), but with the hoop community as a whole. I am so grateful for that.

also, this was most definitely the most estrogen filled event I've ever been to and damn 🤩🤩 that #badbitchenergy will remain in my heart and soul forever because of you wonderful humans. I love you all.
#youhaveahomewithme #imissyoualready

Kind of obsessed with this little edit I made of @skipperydooda and I gettin' down at the Glowdown on Saturday night! Stay tuned for more videos from this truly epic weekend at The Spinsanity Flowdown in the coming days!


I miss this place. @spinsanityflowdown you got me all kinds of emotions stirring inside. It's always bitter sweet returning back to the real world after leaving Spinsanity. I wish everyone in the world could be as excepting and loving as this group of people.


@fancycircles & I bringing that LONDON BRIDGE DOWN with our fire fans at @spinsanityflowdown 2021 event!
~ Huge shout out to @medium_shark for filming (obviously lol) ( we hope to see you in a parade soon) 🤣🤣🤣
~ And to OUR FAN GIRLS @missmojangles @hoop_rebel @hoop_therapist ❤️❤️


Would you try this??
I am having SUCH a good time at Spinsanity! Hangin with so many flowmies from IG... IRL!! 🙌🏽
Thanks to my skate and hoop sis @shani_anne_marvelous for the 🎥!


Ayeee! What ya'll think of this collab with me, @blackgurlhoopin, and @shani_anne_marvelous? Should we do more TikTok's together?
Spinsanity vibessss 🙌🏽
✨Share this #BlackJoy with a friend!


SWIPE to see some @spinsanityflowdown fun!! ✨ Had an absolute BLAST meeting these amazing humans!
Also got to hang with@hoopwithcoop@photographlee@rufus__the__dufus@dr_little_o@maria.moves@skeeter_808@hiplash_
.. And so many more!!
I met soooo many amazing flowmies IRL and am so grateful to have had this experience with you all! 😘😘😘
And a BIG thank you to everyone who took pictures and videos for me after my phone stopped working ❤️ I wouldn't have these pictures without ya'll!
Thank you Tyler, Dan, and the team at @spinsanityflowdown for awarding me a scholarship and for this wonderful experience! I can't wait to see the photos and videos taken! (especially of that card getting into the board! 😂)
Love ya'll! #spinsanity #spin2021


Easily the best 5 days I've had of 2020 and 2021 💖 Made such amazing memories with these beautiful humans 🤗❤️
Thank you @medium_shark and @blazing_shark and the @spinsanityflowdown team for an amazing time! And so honored to have witnessed your engagement!! Congrats to you both and can't wait to celebrate your anniversary next year! 💖
Keep an eye out for the videos to come from this amazing experience! You won't wanna miss it! 😜


The most pivotal moment ever in my hoop flow journey....
And it happened at the one and only @spinsanityflowdown!!! 😭😭😭
I still can't believe this happened!! Thank you to my flowmies who were there supporting me and coaching me through this terrifying yet exhilarating experience!!! Can't thank ya'll enough!! Spinsanity encouraged me to test the limits and smash any challenge that came my way! I'm forever grateful! ❤️❤️❤️


Had such an amazing time at @spinsanityflowdown this weekend!!! I felt a love and a sense of community that I have never felt before here, and I am just hoping this feeling sticks around for a little while until the next gathering!!
This is a recording of me spinning fire FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER at spinsanity side by side with @photographlee and @lafersh !! Recording was done by the lovely @spun.rose !
Thanks everyone for being so amazing!!!! 😭💙


It’s hard to even put into words how amazing this past weekend was! I am leaving @spinsanityflowdown feeling so blessed to be part of a community that is so uplifting, loving, and genuine. So happy I made the decision to go with @hoop_rebel and @hoopwithheidi love you hoop sistas so much!
Grateful for all the connections I made, all the inspiration I am taking home. Feeling so connected to my hoops and even more connected to so many lovely souls than ever before.
The BIGGEST THANK YOU to @medium_shark and @blazing_shark for creating such a beautiful space for all of us to share what we love with each other. You both are a gift to this community!
More videos of crazy shenanigans to come!! 💓
Ps. Thank you to everyone who captured these moments! Def took screenshots so I could post! 🙏😆😘😘😘 Please drop your IG if we connected. Want to make sure I’m following everyone!!


Still utilizing all my @spinsanityflowdown content. Ahh man take me back. Real life isn't as much fun as frolicking around with flowmies all day.


Spinsanity Performance 2021
There are really no words to describe how this moment felt. I took all of the emotions from this past year and left them out there on the stage. Thank you to everyone that took the time to share your kind thoughts and words with me have no idea how good that felt ❤❤❤. My heart and soul are still so full and I can't wait to be back on that @spinsanityflowdown stage in 2022.

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Today’s #SmallBusinessSpotlight is one that is extra special to me. I’ve been trying to find the right moment to give this event, and those who put it together, it’s deserved spotlight. But really, there are no words for @spinsanityflowdown. This annual, Michigan based retreat brings together some of the most influential names in hooping and flow arts and offers the opportunity to connect, learn, share, laugh and most importantly, DANCE. Whether you’re a beginner or expert or anywhere in between, there is a space for you at spinsanity. The bonds formed during this week are the true representation of what performance art, and the community who brings it to the stage, are all about. And don’t even get me started on @blazing_shark and @medium_shark and the amazing team they have put together and the commitment and dedication they have to helping us all connect, have fun and grow our crafts! If you’ve ever been interested in getting into hooping, check out Spinsanity! It’s truly a home away from home. They also offer monthly online flow jams and tons of opportunities to connect between events. Enjoy these pics and videos of some of the creation, community and all around silliness from this years @spinsanityflowdown #spinsanityflowdown #hoopeverydamnday #hoopspam #hooplah #performer #hoopersofinstagram #flow


Just got my ticket for Spinsanity Hoop Convention 2022! A few of you decided to LISTEN to me last year when I said you HAVE to come to this event! And I know you didn’t regret it. The opportunities to learn from some of the most amazing local and international hoop performers, grow and connect with the hoop community and just plain have a ton of fun until you literally can’t spin anymore - are abundant here. There are a handful of amazing flow festivals in Michigan, but spinsanity truly has my heart. It’s my favorite way to spend Mother’s Day weekend! I have grown and learnt so much as both a performer and about myself at this event. I truly have grown through spinsanity and the amazing people who put it together so much in my performance career. My first spinsanity was my first ever stage performance as a hooper and I literally thought I was going to die But it showed me so much about what I was capable of, and the loving supportive environment gave me an incredibly safe space to express myself and exercise my creativity. If you are a seasoned performer, new performer, aspiring performer, recreational hooper or flow artist of ANY level - there is so much for you here! They have a bunch of exciting things planned as usual, and judging by the sheer size of the instructor panel-some new things planned, there’s some returning faces, some

new faces and they offer some great payment plan options. So if you’re looking for a last minute gift to ask for (or to send someone - ticket sponsorships are available too!), look no further! There is so much value in these retreat experiences, and in these times it’s hard to come by. Many of us will desperately be craving the kind of medicine spin offers by spring. Consider joining us for the BEST TIME EVER!



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Monarch Hoops And Dance 

World Hoop Day Michigan October 7th

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