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This Year we thought it would be fun to let YOU CHOOSE!!

We gathered 20 Amazing Hula Hoopers that are going to be part of the event. You get to pick which ones you want to see at the Judging Table, At The Fire Spectacular, At the Glowdown, On Rollerskates, Instructing, Hosting, Party Motivator and More!


Buy Your Ticket by January 30th, 2022 for your Vote to count!

Vote for The Judges you want in 2022!

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You Can only Vote Once! And Only if You have Purchased a Ticket!

Marianna DeSanctis

Image by Alexander Shatov

Marianna is in the world but not of the world, not because Marianna is a saint but for another reason: because she is an artist. She studied at "FLIC" circus school in Italy, and in the school of circus "LE LIDO" in France. Having started this skill just for fun, she now works using her own personal style, where the simple turn of hula hoop, is sometimes forgotten in the corner of her brain.​

What we learn from Marianna can be taught by no one else except for Marianna. You cannot come to know Marianna and be inspired by her fully until you share the same space and share a side eyed smirk. But most of all, come to SPiN and feast on the magnificent pancakes that will be presented to you straight from the frying pan of Marianna, just a taste will free your soul and empower you to make the most of this day that is upon you. This pancake is in the world but not of the world.

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Image by Alexander Shatov

Oshiana is forever grateful for the opportunity to share her passion with the hoop community irl and learn from some of the best hoopers in the game. Hailing from the pacific Northwest, since teaching at SPiN2022 she has landed international gigs in Toronto, Canada and Costa Rica.

She is a very talented performer on stage. Her smile and cheerful personality makes complicated tricks look easy. She is an inspiration to all new hoopers that you can quickly become an ‘up and coming’ hooper and beyond with a positive attitude, practicing your craft and going for your dreams.

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Kylee Cometdancerr

Image by Alexander Shatov

Kylee loves helping other hoopers achieve their goals as much as she loves smashing her own goals. There is nothing kylee cannot achieve with some drills, dedication and practice. Her work hard play hard style is inspiring. She has worked her way to be an incredible teacher online and in person that can teach you flashy fun tricks that fit into any hoop flow.

Kylee is a current reigning 2 x World Hula Hoop Champion in the Advanced/pro 16+ single hoop category and the group category with her team the Monarch Hoop Troop. Kylee’s style is in the details and her unique vision always creates something never seen before and impossible to not love.

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Lola Loops

Image by Alexander Shatov

Lola is a natural event host who lights up the room with her contemporary edge and impromptu humor when she is on the mic. An outspoken performing artist, her fluency is the language of audience engagement. Lola is a multi-faceted performance artist. Lola has been practicing and performing hoop artistry for 10 years, teaching and facilitating workshops for 7 years. She is energized by her passion for exploring new dance styles and body movements incorporating them in her quest of self expression.

Lola is a current member of two dance groups: Omnika in Motion and The Lighttwerkerz. Lola actively performs in the Pacific Northwest, Gulf Islands, Alberta and beyond. Her creative style is a mosaic of movement influences woven together with a touch of her signature personal spontaneous sass & silliness sure to entertain.

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Chuck Clark

Image by Alexander Shatov

Talent + Humor = Classic Rufus The Dufus. You will be entertained. Your hands will hurt from clapping. Your jaw will hit the floor in amazement. You'll have tears in your eyes from laughing. You'll catch yourself telling all your friends. SPiN gets the best

Rufus show because we make him perform between ALL the performances. We get all the incredible acts he is really good at along with all the crazy acts he has been working on that he may be not so good at. We may never know if it is a fail or part of the act but what we do know is wow that was crazy talented and omg that was funny. We're not laughing at you, we are laughing with you Chuck!

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Ellen Hoop Rebel

Image by Alexander Shatov

Ellen has been lighting up the stages in Memphis for many years. Her experience in the spotlight on the local stage led to her winning last years Performance Showcase and Freestyle Throwdown at SPiN2021. Ellen is a firecracker of fun and talent and we are ready to learn how she does it!

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Deven Zimmer

Image by Alexander Shatov

Deven's helpful feedback from the judges table in 2021 proved she knows what it takes to masterfully choreograph and present live routines. She has proven this on social media with almost 100k followers on tiktok. In person devon shares her ear to ear smile, she inspires us all to be confident and have fun! For Deven's classs she will be teaching with Brooke, her partner in Circuea Sisters.

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Image by Alexander Shatov

Lyv is an up and coming Instructor and performer from Chicago! She teaches in person and online. We are in love with her fun dance style and impressive inventive hoop combos.

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Nicole Raye of Rainn

Image by Alexander Shatov

Nicole Raye Rocks, She really does. Did you know she is lead singer in a rock and roll band? One of the many reasons Nicole is an amazing MC for our Throw Dow Battles on Saturday. We all know she makes incredible polypro hoops, taped designer hoops, reflective hoops, and creatively shaped hoops. She hoops with them just as incredibly!
She is an entertaining performer. She is also a friend to many hoopers online, in her town of St. Louis, MO and around the country. She has also started a new Multi-generational hoop troupe called Flow Raye Me. It is always a fun time when hooping with Nicole!

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Angela Presnell

Image by Alexander Shatov

Angela generates a unique hoop style with her tech work, musicality, and shuffle hooping. Not only is she an international hoop instructor, but an online hoop entrepreneur for 100+ hoopers around the world! Her energy shines bright as you learn the ‘secrets to her magic.’ As much as she loves performing and teaching, she looks forward to watching others connect to their flow and providing feedback. Angela is ready to bring the heat this spring and help others tap into their own special flow!

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Zach Lambert

Image by Alexander Shatov

Zach has been making a big name for himself in the hooping community for 7 years making friends at festivals and events across the country. His passion for sharing is just as inspiring as the skills he has as a hooper. His style is technical, progressive and tricky!

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Fer Sumano

Image by Alexander Shatov

Fer is not only a world champion juggler from Cancun, Mexico, she is packed with energy and enthusiasm with plenty to share. Her sense of humor translates in her perfected mind blowing performances. With out of this world talent she breaks pretty much every record se sets to beat in the SPiN Records competition.

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Hula Hooping Hannah

Image by Alexander Shatov

Hannah has wowed us with her sass on the stage at SPiN since 2018 <3 Her drive for greatness in her art is an inspiring journey to watch. Hannah has perfected traditional circus style, pointed toes, and dissecting what tricks make an audience go "OOOOOHHHHH"

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Breezy Hoopz

Image by Alexander Shatov

It's Breezy Hoopz puttin' Youngstown, Ohio on the map ever since she won the First Ever Spinsanity Performance and Freestyle competition in 2018! She has a unique energetic powerful dance flow drenched in big fun stage presence. She has been disecting the art of the perfect stage performance for five years now and cant wait to share tips and advice that will make you the rockstar you want to be.

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Jenny Wags

Image by Alexander Shatov

If you wake up in the morning at SpiN and feel like you might need to find your balance, be realigned, find your new center, then be sure to catch Jenny's YogaRoundNow class. She has innovated her very own brand of yoga that is practiced with a hula hoop!

Jenny uses hoops, yoga and meditation to find our center and the type of peace in ones self that can heal the world through her company Yoga Round Now based out of Lansing, Mi. Her classes will keep you focused on realizing your intensions at SPiN and letting go of any anxieties you may have, creating the best possible you when it's time to perform.

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Shahna Jones

Image by Alexander Shatov

Shahna has been in the SPiNfam since 2018 representing the love we have for a big hoop and the spicy slow flow! Her style connects hoopers who want to dive deep into the big hoop possibilities. Every personality has the potential to shine through at SPiN and Shahna gives those with a big hoop the confidence to find their inner diamond and SHINE!

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Maria Moves

Image by Alexander Shatov

Maria's Flow has SO MUCH vibrant energy and excitement. Her mind-body connection comes from a strong dance background and knowledge of movement and alignment. The knowledge she can share will not only improve your performances but the enjoyment you get from hooping.

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Erika Greatful Hoop Mama

Image by Alexander Shatov

Erika has a new bag of tricks this year! Her flow challenges hoopers to use tricks in ways that they may not have thought of before and actually pull off that tricky trick! The journey of the circle has no dead ends: It is forever evolving and the tricks to master are infinite, but that wont stop her from trying.

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Your Vote will not be opened if the Name Doesn't Match a Ticket Purchased


Choose who you think will give you the most valuable feedback on your performance. Judges will also teach 2 classes: One advanced class and one beginner class on Friday and Saturday.







Performance Host

For the past four years Chuck Clark has been our amazing Performance Host, wowing us with all types of unexpected and creative tricks and commentary. We think our Juggler is a sho-in, what do you think?


Record Setting Host

The Host for the Record Setting Events must be Excited, Enthusiastic, Loud and Passionate about Record setting. They must inspire, motivate and encourage contenders to do their very best on the stage while keeping the audience informed, entertained and cheering!


The Fire Starter


The Fire Starter is in charge of the operations at the nightly fire Spectacular. They open the show with a stellar performance that sets the standard for showmanship and procedure at the Spectacular. They must be enthusiastic, controlled, and responsible, for this reason this is the only category that Tylor has the right to Veto the result of the vote.


Group Choreographers


The Group Choreographers will teach the hoop dance that guests will perform for the Group Dance Battle that starts off the Throw Down Freestyle Battles on Saturday. Each Teacher will teach a half of the guests and play to the rivalry of the battle in a fun / friendly way that amps up their group



Throw Down Host

Tay that amps up their group The Throw Down Freestyle Battle Host must be witty, likeable and know who Every Person at the event is. Like a sports commentator, they will give the play by play of the battles over ther microphone making the event even more thrilling to participate in and watch.

Throw Down Host

Wednesday Instructors

Wednesday classes are when everyone takes classes all together to familiarize with the vibe and the fellow flowmies that we will be spending the next 4 and a half days with.

Wednesday Instructor 1

Wednesday Instructor 2

Wednesday Instructor 3

Morning Yoga

Morning Yoga happens Thursday - Sunday first thing, along side our famous Breakfasts. Start the day the right way because it is going to be a long exciting memorable day!

Morning Yoga

Saturday Instructors

Saturday Classes are the last classes of the event. They happen after you learn group choreo and before the big Throw Down Event That wraps up the event before the last Dinner and Glow Down. This class should be  fun relaxing and be the happiness that is hooping. These classes happen simultaneously so the subject matter should be opposites.

Saturday Instructor 1

Saturday Instructor 2

Roller Hooper Instructor

At nights we Roll in The Day we Roll! We have many roller skaters but there can be only one Queen/King who takes it upon themselves to teach us the tips and tricks to make us better skaters. Luckily, both of our main buildings have nice surfaces for skating.

Roller Hoop Instructor

Glow Down Skill Share

Skill share leaders bring people together at the glow down who are not yet ready to stop learning new tricks. These skill shares are as casual as the environment with party lights, music and led hoops. 

Glow Down Skill Share 1

Glow Down Skill Share 2

Party Motivator

The Party Motivator is a special guest that keeps positivity and hype going everywhere, all the time. 

Party Motivator

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SPiN Hula Hoop Project



Monarch Hoops And Dance 

World Hoop Day Michigan October 7th

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